What should I do to keep my hair really straight?

i’ve tried everything, all kinds of serums and hairsprays. myhair bounces out and wont stay straight.

Answer #1

for my hair its really curly but i straight my hair the night before then when you wake up do your hair it should stay maybe

Answer #2

That’s just how your hair is. You can either straighten it with irons (make sure to use heat protectant so that your hair doesn’t fry and snap off) or you could look into permanent straightening. But remember, permanent straightening is expensive and you’ll have to have it redone every 8-10 weeks. Conditioning your hair thoroughly will let it sit smoother, and brushing it will evenly distribute the oils through your hair and weigh it down a bit.

Answer #3

Do you use a good hair straightener? I have the Remington Wet 2 Straight. It works really well. When you straighten your hair, do the layers underneath first. Pin the top layers up until you’re done with the ones underneath. Then straighten the top ones. Separate your hair into 1-2 inch sections. Brush it well, then straighten it. It works wonders.

Answer #4

After washing and conditioning your hair, apply a straightening balm, damage protection serum/balm straightening serum, etc, to the hair. Divide the hair into sections, and piece by piece, blow dry it straight with a blowdryer, pointing the blowdryer downwards.

Once your hair is COMPLETELY dried, divide it into sections, and straighten the hair section by section. Apply just a little bit of shine or damage protection serum to the hair. Before straightening a piece of hair, spray it with a damage/heat protection spray to make it smooth and avoid heat damage.

When you straighten the piece of hair, brush the piece gently before straightening it, and straighten it downwards (not outwards) and close to your head. Continue to straighten your hair section by section until it’s all finished. Maybe apply some shine spray or just a touch more shine serum once you’ve finished straightening your hair.

This is what I do when straightening my hair (I do it about two times a week). I have naturally very thick, curly and unruly hair, and after following this straightening regimen when doing my hair, I have sleek, straight and shiny hair.

Hair products can be expensive, but it’s better to purchase expensive, quality products, I find. Doing hot olive oil treatments on your hair every few weeks might help you out, too.

I also use Mane N Tail shampoos and conditioners when washing and conditioning my hair which improve it’s health and quality tremendously. They can be sold at Wal-Mart for about 8$ a bottle. I strongly recommend trying them out.

Hope I helped!

Answer #5

Also, never use your straightening iron at it’s full heat setting.

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