What's one thing you do to make your hair softer?

everyone comment ; males and females . ( :

Answer #1

I brush it every morning and night and wrap it with a silk wrap.

Answer #2
  1. Put smoothing lotion in my hair (:
  2. Anti-Frizz serum after you shower.
  3. Oil treatments (:
  4. straightening my hair usually makes it really soft!
Answer #3

straightening does the trick.

Answer #4

I use natural oils to soften my hair like olive oil, peppermint oil ( which smells super good), Jojoba Oil stuff like that. And I also go to bed with a silk wrap on my head, so when wake up my hair isn’t all dried out & it doesn’t look like a got in a fight with a blow dryer. :)

Answer #5


Answer #6

I do not Do anything but using Rain water is the best natural thing for really soft hair.

Answer #7

The only thing u can do tohave ur hair soft is to Not mess with it. Just brush it, straighten it once in a while because then its gonna get damged, im saying it by experience. I used to have really nice and soft hair but i started straigtning it and its ugly now. It feels like fake hair. Also dont dye it, i’ve never dyed it but it gets worst. Buy the hair sprays not hairsprays that make ur hair shine, and put a small amount. And when you brush your hair so it carefully, specially when out the shower, because when ur untaneling it easily rips, so dont go so fast while brushing. hope this helps.

Answer #8

I do technique to make my hair healthy. I alternate use shampoo and conditioner. For example. Today I shampoo, tomorrow no shampoo no conditioner, next day I use only conditioner. and do it repeatedly.

Answer #9


Answer #10

thaaaaaaanks yoou guys (:

Answer #11

thaaaaaaanks yoou guys (:

Answer #12

it sounds crazy but if you put one egg white in your hair wash it out and do it again two weeks later it helps reduce frizz and it softens hair

Answer #13

i use the Auzzie three minuet miricle and it works really well

Answer #14

I just use lots of conditioners. Leave in conditioners are probably best and I use then whenever I get the chance. Also, washing your hair with really hot water takes the natural oils in your hair and dries it out. I try and use cool water when i wash mine :)

Answer #15

I just use lots of conditioners. Leave in conditioners are probably best and I use then whenever I get the chance. Also, washing your hair with really hot water takes the natural oils in your hair and dries it out. I try and use cool water when i wash mine :)

Answer #16

when your in thee shower put conditioner on and then comb your hair, it makes it suuuuper soft

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