Hair productsss

My hair are freezy and curly. I am happy with them only when they are wet… Any advice what products should I use to keep them wet? I also heard about a hair straightening cream. Will that help or it will ruin my hair??

Answer #1

I use frizz serum, I dont no if I spelt that right, it works. the stuff I get only cost 5 dollars.

Answer #2

My hair is exactly the same as yours. To help with frizz, before you get out of the shower, rinse your hair with cold water. Also, I use the “Waves of Envy” line from Sun Silk. It works really well Hope I helped :)

Answer #3

You need a better conditioner, which will help with the frizzies. When you get your hair healthier it won’t be so untame. I use Tressemme Curl Hydration which helps keep my curls nice. (this is a styling product, you still need a good conditioner. Try Reconstructive by Tresemme)

Answer #4

instead of drying it with a towl use a cotton shirt,wont make it as frizzy!

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