Hair Prob

this may sound weird but when I let my hair grow it’s starts to curl in the back, is there anyway I can make it strait instead of curly? please without using any girl products

Answer #1

Not really, you could dry it straight or use straightners-you get male ones but they’re more expensive.

But my boyfriends hair curls at the nape of his neck and it’s CUTE! Don’t know why you’re complaing lol

Answer #2

cut it or use a straightener. wats rong w/ curli hair?! its kinda cute to ruffle an stufff

Answer #3

What’s wrong with girly products - my fiance uses half of my girly stuff, and I love it lol.

The best thing to do is invest in a straightener if you want to keep your hair long. It’s not “girly” at all. Tons of men use them and they come in guy colors too.

Answer #4

Thank you, I sent you a friends request both of you

Answer #5

haha, eh? umm, you can buy it on market or something, its everywheree. and its not expensivee.

Answer #6

You can get a cheap one at wal-mart for around 10 bucks, since your just using it lightly a cheap one will work fine.

Answer #7

straightener!!! hahah yeshh many guys using it aswell, so dont worry hunniee. ^.^

Answer #8

great, lol where can I get one and how much are they ?

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