What to do for my hair journey?

i REALLY REALLY REALLY want to go on a hair journey. i dont know how to start though. i know i want to minimize the heat i put on my hair but that is really hard considering i wash my hair once a week and its chemically altered (i have naturally curly hair). i just need like a good hair routine that would promote hair growth and anti-breakage so if anyone has any idea of what i could do for my hair journey please comment below . THANKS ! (:

Answer #1

This sounds really weird and gross, but google going “no shampoo”. You can slowly wean yourself off of the chemicals by washing your hair with somethig like baking soda & apple cider vinegar. Tons of people are doing it! The reason your hair gets oily is because every time you wash it you’re stripping away all it’s natural oils with harmful chemicals. You end up with a LOT less frizzy hair and it doesn’t get oily everydaythay you don’t wash it :) I’m actually on week three of going no shampoo. My hair isn’t so great right now but it’s supposed to take six weeks for your scalp to adjust :)

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