I have short hair, down to my sholders, should I change it?

I have short hair…about down to my sholders…I had the same hair style 4 2 years! shold I let it grow out then change it or just cut it now even though it is very short

Answer #1

you should let it grow out and then change it and did you say 42 ?

Answer #2

I think you should let it grow maybe you’ll like the long hair better,so you’ll have more options.

Answer #3

I would let it grow out so you have some style options…if you cut it now, there won’t be much you can do with it.

Answer #4

I think you should grow it out, then you will have more style options (:

Answer #5

why don’t you go to clairol.com, upload your picture and play around with hairstyles? You can see yourself how longer hair will look.

On a different note, a couple of years ago I gave 15 inches to locks of love. After that a really bad bad short haircut and now it is down to my shoulders finally. I find that longer hair you can do more things with it. wear it straight, curly, down or up and that way you can change your look. If you have the same hairstylist, growing out your hair doesn’t have to be painful and having those in-between stages where you think everyday is a bad hair day. Good luck with whatever you chose.

Answer #6

Let it grow out that way you can do random styles that you want to do with it,if you cute you’ll regret it and have to wait for it to grow again.

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