Hair half up?

Is putting half of yur hair up ugly? I heard someone say that no matter what hairstyle you do.. don’t put half up and half down. Is that true? Because lately.. I’ve done that.. and people looked at me weird.

Answer #1

I always wear my hair half up half down. I think that its very sophisticated. But I like it a lot, and I think it looks stunning, specially with curls. But any who. Dont listen to what other poeple say, well, for this case, just dont care what other people think. How I was of some help. xox

Answer #2

I always wear my hair half up :) they are just jelouse becuase they cant pull it off haha!! Dance like nobody’s watching sing like nobody’s listening LIVE like nobody CARES!!

Answer #3

wott of course you can wer your hair half up half down I do it all the time I swear every1 does LOL dont wory bout it!! IT LOOKS RERLY NICE :)

Answer #4

I totally agree w/ kcblayer and I don’t wear my hair half up half down anymore because I have tiny pixi ears and look like I’m back in middle school :(

Answer #5

no it’s not wrong at all if you do it right and not messily. If you do it wrong of course it won’t look good, like curling only one side of you head or wearing uneven pigtails or something. & whoever told you that that hairstyle sucks probably tried it and did it wrong, because it can look gorgeous if you do it right. Even celebrities on the red carpet do that all the time and they definitely don’t look ugly.

Answer #6

I agree with hubberz, It really doesn’t matter what other people think and also, it’s not like there’s this group of people who all think alike. Some will like it and some won’t. But you can’t please everyone. If you like it, that’s all that matters. That’s one of the perks of getting older, like me…you just don’t care what other people think. Besides, there’s always other girls that will act like they don’t like it only because they’re really just jealous.

Answer #7

no it’s not wrong at all if you do it right and not messily. If you do it wrong of course it won’t look good, like curling only one side of you head or wearing uneven pigtails or something. & whoever told you that that hairstyle sucks probably tried it and did it wrong, because it can look gorgeous if you do it right. Even celebrities on the red carpet do that all the time and they definitely don’t look ugly.

Answer #8

No, its not. Half up half down isnt ugly I do it all the n=time and people compliment me. It’s not ugly.

Answer #9

I do it a lot because it’s comfy and easy and its pretty cute!!

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