Hair Folicles

How do you get rid of the gross leg hair folicles??? If not totally gone, less noticeable, and quick??? Thanks! =)

Answer #1

there is stuff at pharmacies li ke nair (which I hated but my mother uses it all the time and her legs got much better I see because she used to shave all the time and they got dark and gross plus grew back a lot quicker) and the hair started growing in a lot slower, thinner, and lighter. so that works…also I’m not sure but I’ve been seeing that Smooth Away thing on TV all the time, I’m sure if you google it people will tell you if it works or not but it’s supposed to do that too, just swish away the hair and it’ll grow back thinner.each time. there are machines too, that pull your hair out but they suck and are verrryy unpleasant. hmm..and of course waxing!

Answer #2

The Smooth Away thing DOES NOT work. My friend got it and it was a worthless piece of shi*. But nair, veet, and waxing are all very good options (:

Answer #3

get a good razor… even if your a girl, mens razors work great

Answer #4

Use Veet. Or wax it. You wont notice them for maybe even weeks.

But you’ll have to repeat the process later.

Answer #5


Answer #6

people tell me if you wax the hair uot your ripping the hair out from the root so its not there anymore

Answer #7

nair works good!

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