Hair extentions

How do I convince my mom to let me have hair extentions ? I told her that I’d pay for them and they’re only clips . I dont get why she doesnt want me to have them. help. I need convincing arguments x)

Answer #1

When a parent says no and you go behind their back that can cause a lot of problems. Try to sit down and talk to your mother about the reasons she has for you not to get them. Look up some of the positives to having the clip ins (they can cause hair to break also so that may be a reason she says no) having an adult conversation with her instead of pouting, whinning or yelling will end up a positive thing for you in the future. If she still says no respect her choice. If you don’t and you get them anyway she will loose a lot of trust in you and you will hear the word “no” a lot when you ask for something. If you go behind her back just to buy hair she will wonder what else you will do behind her back. So that is not a good idea at all.

Answer #2

if you knew why she wont let you get them, then it would be easier to give a good argument..

Honestly, if it were me, I would get them anyways. You’re buying them with your own money. If it were my own money, I’d tell my mom its not up to her because she didn’t earn the money .. I would get them anyways.,..

If she thinks youre wasting your money, you know you can get brand new really nice hair extensions with 100% human hair on ebay instead of buying them from a salon. If you really look, you can find them for less than half the price on ebay.. I got a really nice set on ebay for 40 bucks in total (shipping included) and a lot of people say hair extensions only last a couple months, but for the clip ins, thats not true at all. they can last a nice while if you take care of them.

Answer #3

Okaay thanks but if I do get them .. I’m afraid that she’ll take them away from me. =O

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