hair dying disaster!!!

My hair is naturally aurbern and I dyed my hair blonde 3 times on friday night and it went a very light orange, so went to tescos on saturday to get a baby blonde and it went more lighter orange and then I went to get a medium brown to try and get it darker again and it has gone a darker ginger now. Do you think a hairdressers will dye it a hazlenut brown for me on monday afternoon??

Answer #1

They will probably not dye it because of how much stress you’ve put on it already. DO NOT DO ANYTHING ELSE TO YOUR HAIR! It could end up starting to find out, or if you over stress it by dying it you may have to shave you whole head! And let’s face it, having orange hair is a lot better than being bald! =O I’ve dyed my hair so many times and I know the ups and downs. My hair turned orange about a year ago, but if you wait awhile and let your hair get some strength back then go to a salon it will work out a lot better. My grandmother is a hair stylist, and if she heard how many times you’d dye it, she’d send you right out the door of her salon ASAP! Dying it that much in that little times is EXTREMELY unhealthly. I know I’m repeating myself, but I can’t stress that enough!

Please be careful and don’t dye it anymore!

I hope I was of help.


Answer #2

I sspeak from experience is the thing lol im 14 I ded mine blonde 3 times in 1 day and black in the morning im not a cute blonde lol but my hair never started falling out or anything my head was messed up though hurt daily and all that heh ut none like started falling out

Answer #3

thats pretty much what happened to me but its redish orange and I used to have the prettiest blonde hair (when I got it professionally done) but I wanted to fix my roots without paying a crazy prices again and I completely messed it up. I’m so pissed. go to a proffessional and never do it your self again, at home hair dye only works if your dying it darker, never lighter

Answer #4

They probably would. it’s their job, but you’re hair is going to be so damaged. I promise you’ll regret it. I regret doing my hair like that. I won’t ever dye it again. well at least until it’s healthy again. but it’s so hard to do anything with. and in the summer… I can’t even tell you.

Answer #5

think of this not to bad!

I put blonde in mine and when I went for a swim it turned GREEN!!!

urs isnt that bad!

they should dye it


Answer #6

crazy8dude, you’re not a girl if you f*ck you hair up it doesn’t matter, now does it?!

Answer #7

think of this not to bad!

I put blonde in mine and when I went for a swim it turned GREEN!!!

urs isnt that bad!

they should dye it


Answer #8

danielllaaa - that’s not strictly true. I’m naturally blonde, and for the past few years have been sying my hair real dark. I decided I wanted to go back to blonde, so on saturday I put bleach on it for an hour, and after that 2 blonde dyes. my hair’s a lovely shade of blonde though, just not as light as I’d like so ina few weeks I’m going to repeat the process. so going lighter does work, you just need to do it the right way

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