How come my hair doesn't stay straight?

I will straighten my hair an like by they end of the day it will start to become wavy =/…What could it be or any tips on how to keep it straight longer?

Answer #1

mine to

Answer #2

it’s a pain right ? lol

Answer #3

yes it is , always i have to wear cap

Answer #4

xD me to i mostly have a beanie on half the time=/ or i just pick up my hair up, sometimes i want to shave it all off lol

Answer #5

i have curly but i straightin it all da time just brush

Answer #6

Okay well its actually because your hair isn’t naturally straight. Some tips are to use hairspray, styling gells, use more professional straighteners, don’t touch your hair because it makes it frizzy, and avoid heat as the moisture from sweat will make your hair curly.

Answer #7

I put wax on the ends of mine, I have super curly hair, like a poodle and it works for me

Answer #8

i thought many times but never tried

Answer #9

That’s pretty normal… I have super curly hair and when I straighten it I like to have it straight the night before because when I straighten it again in the morning it’s extra straight. I also like to use Paul Mitchell serums or chi serums that help my hair fight frizz and humidity. When my hair starts to get frizzy again I’ll brush it out a little and add a little more serum :)

Answer #10

That’s what happens to me! But, you shouldnt get your hair wet, so if you sweat a lot, it’s probably going to make your hair wet. And is you straighted your hair and it gets wet, your hair is gonna go POOF and get all wavy. =) hope this helped!

Answer #11

My hair is naturally wavy so I straighten my hair almost everyday, I just put my hair in a pony tail at the end of the day so it’s less noticeable. You can try using hairspray for a longer lasting straight look.

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