How can I tease my hair on the top?

Okay so the way that I have my hair cutt is supposed to be kinda teased on the top. But I can’t fugure out how to do it. please help. I attatched a Photo.

Answer #1

you take your crown ( the very very top of your hair) and hold it up and take a comb and tease it then put some hairspray on the part you teased and let it go and fix it how you want it. If you dont understand watch s2pandapple on youtube she teases her hair in a lot of her video’s and shows how.

Answer #2

well you take the very top laye and hold it straight up. Now it depends on how much haispray you use if you want it sticking straight up then coat with hair spray and put your hands on either side and slide up repat on all rest of layer. If you want just a little lift then do the same but tease instead of slide (with a hair brush) youtube it if you want to see exactly how it is done =] Hope it helps Will xoxo

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