Haiiry Liip

I think I have a hairy lip & I really want to shave it off wiill iit make it worse? x

Answer #1

Don’t shave because like everyone else has said - it will grow back quicker, hairier and darker. You could pluck, wax or even bleach it blonde if it’s not already blonde. Good luck x

Answer #2

if you don’t want to go get the waxing stuff then you can just tweeze it. To make the hair come out easier you can get a cloth really hot and hold it on your lip for like ten seconds. then pluck..

Good luck!

Answer #3

Once you shave somthing it will grow back worse!

Answer #4

Dont shave it - it will grow back hairier and darker. You have to wax that area.

Answer #5

Pluck ! NEVER shave !?! x

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