he is stupid or what ?

I have been with a guy for about 4 years ! we are best frds . he loves me tooo much I see in his eyes that he is IN LOVE WITH ME ,, the way that he looks at me the way he chat and act . but he is not makin a confess abt that .. he said to me that if he is in love with someone he could’nt know that it is love or not :S:S is he a stupid guy or what >? mmm or maybe because he did’t date a girl before ? lol iam thinkin to leave him and stay frds is it the right thing to do ? because iam gettin enough of that … the problem is I love him .

Answer #1

Being friends with someone is NOT being with them.

I see in his eyes that he is IN LOVE WITH ME ,, the way that he looks at me the way he chat and act .>>Those are YOUR feelings about how you THINK he is, but if he says he doesnt know what love is, then obviously you are misreading his signs!

Answer #2

your question doesnt make much sense if you love him why on earth would you break up he obviously likes you a lot possibly loves you and in time when hes a bit older and more mature hes realsie if its love and he’ll tell you unless your not willing to wait for him to figure his feelings out only then leave him and only if you actually want to

Answer #3

hmmm thanks to you both :) .. jazovestoskate you helped me .

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