
does every girl have to go, or only if she thinks shes preggo?

Answer #1

Every one is right how ever my younger cousin is 13 and she gets her self checked out by the way we live in Canada . If you have sex you need to go get a PAP test every 3-6 month its up to you and how safe you are. :) I hope I could help. Your truly, Demika Ray

Answer #2

It is very important that you go once a year from 18 on!! It is to check for cancer of the cervix! If caught in time, it is easily curable.

Answer #3

ty is right and no tou dont just go when you think your pregnant you go for checkups to make sure your general health is ok like you dont have any stds, ect and you can get pap smears to get tested for cervical cencer

Answer #4

It is recommended that you go at 18 or when you become sexually active, whichever comes first

Answer #5

Every girl from about the age 16 or when she becomes sexually active needs to go to the gyno

Answer #6

every teenager got to go

Answer #7

everygirl has to go I think im 14 and I go

Answer #8

ty is right from the age of 18, or if you are sexually active before that.

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