Gynecologist! ! ! ! help!!!

okay so here it goes . . .

im not a virgin and my mom is going to get me checked up to see if I am a virgin

but im not, so will they know if I am or not??


do they know 100% help!!!

Answer #1

No…the only absolutely, for sure way for him to know if you are a virgin or not, is to ask you…


Answer #2

Don’t let them go down there. If you take off your clothes like your gonna let them keep saying “ouch oouchhh you say you havent done anything yet but it hurts ouchhh” and yeah you can say its from tampons. Although it is the LAW your doctor isnt supposed to tell your parents whether or not your a virgin. GOOD LUCK!

Answer #3

the gyno cant tell cause the only way to tell is if the ring is broken but the ring can be broken from using tampons so if they say any thing say its from tampons.

Answer #4

well if you end up having std’s or anything no.but your hymen can be broken from sex but also from sports and such but theres no real way they can know.

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