Gymnastics olympics

Is there really a girl on the chinse team that is 4”7” and 65 pounds and is 16

Answer #1

it isn’t just looks that people are going on for their age. there are documented reports from like national competitions and stuff that have their years of birth being 1993 and 1994 which makes them ineligable to compete in the olympics. if they are, that makes the gold medal a little unfair for the chinese to have.

no doubt those girls are amazing gymnasts, but if they aren’t of age, they should wait 4 years to compete in the olympics.

Answer #2

com on stop targeting chines girls..its not that in america girls look very very old..peace…

Answer #3

it’s true!!!

Answer #4

I really believe at least one or two of those Chinese girls are not 16. Oh well. They did a really fabulous job especially on floor. Even Shawn Johnson from the USA team was smiling watching those routines!

Answer #5

it is possible, theres a girl I now who use to go to my school and she was 4 something and she weighted around the same weight and was 15 and yes she was chinese. thats just the way their culture is so it may seem unbelieveable but its all so true

Answer #6

That’s the question…isn’t it… Nobody can prove otherwise because of passports…etc… I think China can say whatever they want…things can be fabricated…oh well…lets just think she is and congratulate them on how well they did…

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