Gwen Stafani or Good Ole' No Doubt??

Which do you prefer??

—Gwen Stafani??


—Good ole’ No Doubt??

No Doubt used to be one of my favourite bands but..well they’re gone now…


Answer #1

No Doubt is better, but I do enjoy some of the new Gwen Stefani stuff.

Answer #2

Solo Gwen Stefani.

How can you say No Doubt had more catchy songs? Staring Problem’s “S-T-A-R-I-N-G” vs. Hollaback Girl’s “B-A-N-A-N-A-S”

Gwen wins in the catchy department.

Answer #3

No Doubt - their songs were more catchy.

Answer #4


Answer #5

No Doubt, No Doubt.

Answer #6

No Doubt for sure.

She just isn’t the same =/

Answer #7

yeah I liked no doubt better

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