Guys who needs them gosh

Why do guys break up with girls after the first day?

Answer #1

Well, guys that break up with girls after the first day could be the cause of different reasons. Maybe the guy realise that they werent ready for a relationship or just not interested. but like you said who needs ‘em. you will find the right one, just don’t look for it it will come to u!

Answer #2

maybe it is because they lost interest or they were doing it as a bet

Answer #3

Awwwh…honey I ask my self the same question..why do we need them..well that fact is..we all say that…but for some reason we just go running back..we jut cant live without them…I feel sorry for you..well thats if you really liked him and thought you could see this going far..and maybe he jut freaked out I dont know..I dont get boys sometimes but I have just gotten out of a 1 year relationship 3 weeks ago because he was sooo nasty to me..but I went out with someone else 2 days later =/..and just split up from him 2 nights ago…is really bad..I have messed up so much, wish I never bothered..and I really liked him aswell..but he just went to me oh dont think this is working…we never see each other..which I think was lies..because he never even tried seeing yeah..some boys just dont think and care for our feelings sometimes..they like yeah you’’ll do…oh no you wont..ill go now..=/

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