Why do guys ALWAYS ask uncomfortable questions?

Answer #1

Because their guys and they cant help themselves.

Answer #2

Not all guys do.(:

Answer #3

not always…. once up on a time someone asked me a very cute question which was: WILL YOU MARRY ME? ;)

Answer #4

It depends on the perspective. What girls and guys find to be uncomfortable questions is not always the same. May i ask for an example of an uncomfortable question you refer to?

Answer #5

What do you mean uncomfortable? I believe you talking about like sex and stuff, and there is a Mature section for those questions. ‘Always’ would be a wrong word to say, because 90% of the time it’s quite the opposite. Asking for advice on how hair should look and what is a good name for a puppy is not uncomfortable. If some of these questions make you feel this way, either refrain from using this site (hopefully not), or just use the categories for questions to see questions that fit your interests and your field of knowledge.

Answer #6

Ohh my bad I though you were talking about people in this site.

Answer #7

Most of the good ones have enough respect to not ask certain things. Others give in to their curiosity. Don’t encourage it one bit though.. the second you do, they won’t shut up about it ever. It’s like opening Pandora’s Box lol

Answer #8

Again it depends on the perspective and the question also guys are just thay way take it from me.

Answer #9

Always ??? I mean I know we are often naughty, but always…

Answer #10

So? What did you answer?

Answer #11

Its just who they are haha. Uts kinda like girls getting nosy and having to know everything 24/7

Answer #12

nah i wasnt reffering to fun advice.

Answer #13

I have not said a single disturbing thing to a girl this whole year (lol). I might do it to some guys, but Hey! that’s guy talk. I used to be very bad and mean, but I changed, and I don’t insult people, or I don’t bring up obscene topics that would cause someone to feel disturbed. Most people here are correct, majority of the guys are jerks and stuff, but there is always the people that are nice and not perverted. Another reason why guys do that, is because they mature slower than girls, so they could still be joking and stuff while girls are thinking they are freaks and stuff.

Answer #14


Answer #15


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