what do you guys think of miley cyrus´ new song Can´t be Tamed?

Answer #1

Oh don’t even get me started on this song. My sister has played it nonstop for a week. The music video I found to be extremely lame. Some big ass wings, and random dancers. In short, I’m not likin’ it too much.

Answer #2

the song is ok but not for her. i dont know someone else should sing it other than her.

Answer #3

I’ve never even heard it before lol

Answer #4

@ julie truong: omg same thing happened 2 me! now i can’t get tat damn song outta my head

Answer #5

Oh my lord. The music video was revolting, and like, the song is sort of revolting too. 8 year old kids are the only ones who listen to her music, and she’s never gonna lose that whole disney rep, so she should just shut up. Actually, she’s pretty revolting too. She can barely sing, the only reason she’s famous is because of her dad. She doesn’t deserve it at all. It’s not like she worked hard to be famous or anything, it just fell into her lap because of her stupid dad. I’m not gonna keep going because I could talk for HOURS about my hatred for Miley Cyrus.

Answer #6


Answer #7

lol ya shes a one hit wonder. :P

Answer #8

I love it! I mean I may be like what a couple of years younger than her but so what I mean she is growing up she is nearly 18 so basically she is a young woman so she is going to start singing and discussing older things besides ‘Hannah Montana’ and stuff. I mean people saying she is doing this too fast or this and that but really they just want her to be that little girl from the first ten episodes which isnt gonna happen

Answer #9

She’s trying to be all indie and like, lose the whole disney look. It’s not working. The little respect I had left for her is completely gone.

Answer #10

ahh idc about her music at all i just hate when people say stuff about her music with little kids. its not like shes 12 anymore. god i guess when she turns 21 shes guna get bashed for getting drunk or drinking.

Answer #11

she’ turned into even more of a s l u t xD

Answer #12

i agree shes rubbish i actually loled

Answer #13

too britneyish :L


Answer #14

I understand that she is growing to be a young woman, and yea young women do deserve a chance to grow up. BUT she isn’t just any young woman, the rest of us young women don’t have a million 8 year-olds worshiping us, SHE does however. And her dressing like that, dancing like that, and the reputation that she is trying to get for herself is being watched by all these little kids who follow her every move. So, I think that she should try to be a better role-model for these kids, I mean there is nothing wrong with being a good role-model, much better, I think, than getting the status of a s!ut.

Answer #15

its like a lady gaga song and the dance looks like a mj dance! its horrable!

Answer #16

youre stupid. you dont even know her, wtf? haha.

Answer #17

Urg, I HATE her. I say ‘Shut up and put MCR on.’

Answer #18

I agree! I mean are people really that ignorant, talking about someone they dont even know and talking all this crap because they somehow think theyre better than them? Its life! Sh*t happens, jeeez.

Answer #19

well Miley cyrus is done with her Hannah Montanna career and she is ending her contract with Disney…. In the song “Can’t be tamed” she cusses and the point of the song is that she cant be tamed by Disney… She also wrote a song about how she is breaking away. She basically wants to be another Britany Spears… but Miley cyrus is much smarter. I was watching her on Ellen and she actually has a really good goal in life. Her dad won’t let her turn into a stupid popstar with no goal, of course! He’s a country man with discipline!

Answer #20

well Miley cyrus is done with her Hannah Montanna career and she is ending her contract with Disney…. In the song “Can’t be tamed” she cusses and the point of the song is that she cant be tamed by Disney… She also wrote a song about how she is breaking away. She basically wants to be another Britany Spears… but Miley cyrus is much smarter. I was watching her on Ellen and she actually has a really good goal in life. Her dad won’t let her turn into a stupid popstar with no goal, of course! He’s a country man with discipline!

Answer #21

well Miley cyrus is done with her Hannah Montanna career and she is ending her contract with Disney…. In the song “Can’t be tamed” she cusses and the point of the song is that she cant be tamed by Disney… She also wrote a song about how she is breaking away. She basically wants to be another Britany Spears… but Miley cyrus is much smarter. I was watching her on Ellen and she actually has a really good goal in life. Her dad won’t let her turn into a stupid popstar with no goal, of course! He’s a country man with discipline!

Answer #22

Do you even know her, other than what you see/hear on tv (which is most likely nothing but bs) or do you just feel like talking crap because you have nothing better to do? Lmao. You tell me…

Answer #23

Ughh I just watched it.. she’s an idiot. I’m glad my sister doesn’t look up to her. She should just stay in that cage lol

Answer #24

It’s ironic that you say that we don’t even know her really and yet you have free judgements too. No matter what she does, little kids will still remember her and still look up to her. Anyone who thinks it’s ok to act like a whore has not got to be right in the head. And ‘you’re’ stupid. Irony.

Answer #25

It sounds like Britney Spears x_x

Answer #26

i like it the song gets stuck in my head but just thnking of miley singing it makes it bad she has that disney channel look on her and i dont think anyone sees her as a regular singer sine disney

Answer #27

A little harsh, Connor. No matter who it is, they’ll alway have haters. And the Disney rep, in my opinion has been gone for a while. She doesn’t sing about friendship and Hannah Montana anymore. “And if you can understand this, we can make some magic – I’m wrong like that.” I don’t think any 8 year olds are listening to that. You probably love Justin Bieber or the Jonas Brothers or whatever. As for the song, I thought it was a great song. I loved it, the lyrics were awesome. Miley can’t sing though, if someone more along the lines of Rhianna or Lady Gaga would have sang it, the song would have been more popular. It also would’ve suited the singer better. xD

Answer #28

Wait..what does me hating Miley Cyrus have to do with Justin Bieber?

Answer #29

Uhm, did I say it had something to do with her? I’m comparing Miley to Justin and the Jonas Brothers because they’re all ugly ass posers. They have people who love them, and people who hate them. That was the message I was trying to get across.

I personally hate all of them. (:

Answer #30

Same ^_^ Yaaay. And I know I was harsh lol, but I’m very passionate about things I hate. If that makes sense..I dunno O.o

Answer #31

Haha, yeah I get it. (:

Answer #32

i agree with Jezzelin wth you all are a bunch of critics!

Answer #33

the song is ok, its really catchy too. but the video? omgsh she was a dirty birdie!! shes turning into something she shouldnt. her daddy needs to do something about her.

Answer #34

she needs to stop watching rihanna and kesha cause shes turned herself into a poser.

Answer #35

I think she’s an insult to the music industry personally! She can’t sing. She can’t dance. She can’t act. She can’t even freaking pole dance for christ’s sake! And her brother who is so much more talented than her doesn’t even get half the attention she has. I wouldn’t be surprised in no one knew his name, or band. And no not her brother in the darn disney channel series!

Answer #36

In my opinion, all of Miley Cyrus’ music and her videos, for that matter, are crap. She’s almost as bad as Justin Bieber.

Answer #37

:O I thought you would have loved her!

Answer #38

haha..the lamest of all is that there’s a ram somewhere in the video…poor animal…

Answer #39

So true connor

Answer #40


Answer #41

exactly miley’s songz r jst made 4 kidz……..cuz of her dad shez famous…..but actually i dun like her songzz dey r like so kidish

Answer #42

lucky you, im trying to forget it!

Answer #43

I honestly like the song. The music video was okay. She looked really pretty in the video and she has a nice body so I don’t see anything wrong with her flaunting it. She could do worse. I can understand Miley trying to move on from Disney so I don’t see anything wrong with it. People act like what she’s doing now is the worst thing in the world which I don’t get. Let her do what she wants. People including parents keep talking about how she’s not a good role model. Comments like that just make me think, are you really that ignorant leaving it up to a celebrity to raise your kid and teach it right from wrong when that’s your job? I just never got that and it annoys the crap out of me

Answer #44

i know this doesnt answer your question, but she is soooo ugly lmao

Answer #45

wtf u think shes ugly? seriously? wtf….she is hot man, i can’t stand her music but she has a banging body

Answer #46

i agree with you, but i also think she’s kind of faking her “oh m so smart” thing. :/

Answer #47

connor you have the all time best answer for this !!!!!!!!!! ♥ lol

Answer #48

I didn’t even know she had a brother, wow.

Answer #49

Uhm. I think she’s slutty and i have only heard a few lines and saw a part of the vid. When she said she’s breaking out and whatever. Like wtf is she breaking out of? She thinks playing Hannah Montana was keeping her under control? getting payed tons of money and living in luxury? Oh yes,i can see how hard and controling that is for her to complain about…

Personally i more then hate that fake brat. So yeah. From what i have heard latley about her new look and everything,it seems to be she was never greatful for what was handed to her. You know,some people actually ‘’work hard’’ for money and barley get anything. All she does is learns some lines,sings songs HER DAD writes for her because she’s such a poser,she can’t writer her own songs. I just think she is a poser beyond any poser fake i have ever seen.

Answer #50

OMG thank you I thought i was the only onewho really disliked her like seeriously everything you juss said about her i tell people all the time. That video is soo sluty and looks a mess i mean wat happn to the disney channel gurl did she forget that younger kids still look up to her for a role model idk why tho bcuz sh’e definally not. she’s only wat 17 and had her belly, & nose pierced.and forreal she cant really sang she shuld have stuck to them disney channel songs but no she wanted to act grown and sang sum whack songs and you were rite she’s only famous bcuz of her dad and the crazy part os she does wateva she wants and her dad doesnt say anything to her juss bcuz she’s makin all the money which is so sad. I juss really dnt like her

Answer #51

lmao yeah, he’s in a band ‘metro station’. Trace Cyrus x and no offence to anyone, but he has so much more talent that smiley mirus.

Answer #52

She’s.A.Whore. Enough said.

Answer #53

she is really the opposite of a slut… she doesn’t fcking cheat on her boyfriend, and she is always in relationships that last a while. and she also doesn’t drink or smoke so I don’t understand why people are calling her a bad influence… I know it’s because of the way she dresses but give her a fcking break, she only dresses like that on stage and she is an entertainer, and when other singers do that they don’t get criticized like she does, and she is almost 18 and a fcking adult, people also need to know she doesn’t give a sht about what people say so you people who just write crap about her for no reason need to get a life.

Answer #54

she is really the opposite of a slut… she doesn’t fcking cheat on her boyfriend, and she is always in relationships that last a while. and she also doesn’t drink or smoke so I don’t understand why people are calling her a bad influence… I know it’s because of the way she dresses but give her a fcking break, she only dresses like that on stage and she is an entertainer, and when other singers do that they don’t get criticized like she does, and she is almost 18 and a fcking adult, people also need to know she doesn’t give a sht about what people say so you people who just write crap about her for no reason need to get a life.

Answer #55

she is really the opposite of a slut… she doesn’t fcking cheat on her boyfriend, and she is always in relationships that last a while. and she also doesn’t drink or smoke so I don’t understand why people are calling her a bad influence… I know it’s because of the way she dresses but give her a fcking break, she only dresses like that on stage and she is an entertainer, and when other singers do that they don’t get criticized like she does, and she is almost 18 and a fcking adult, people also need to know she doesn’t give a sht about what people say so you people who just write crap about her for no reason need to get a life.

and she never lip synchs like britney spears and if you guys actually went to her concert, you would see that she is a pretty good f*ucking singer. and her other songs on her cd are really good, for example Stay.

Answer #56

Well,I don’t personally know her but I think that since she’s an entertainer,as you said,she SHOULD take into consideration what people say as people are the only factor that keep all these singers,actors etc. ‘alive’ ..So yeah,she has to be much more careful about what she’s launching..

Answer #57


Answer #58

I hate it.Her hair her clothes(of what’s left of them) the song itself is o.k not great but not horrible.=/

Answer #59

It’s catchy, but honestly, it doesn’t make any sense at all. The video is ridiculous. I don’t like what she’s become.

Answer #60

you said the exact same thing a million and one times we get it you like her.

Answer #61

I know but all she is wearing are leotards and short shorts… leotardsare in for entertainers right now (beyonce, lady gaga, rihanna etc.) and all teenagers wear short shorts, so I personally don’t think she is doing anything wrong.

Answer #62

I don’t even like her that much, it just fcking bugs me that people waste their time writing crap about her and they don’t even know her… I don’t spend my time writing sht about lady gaga and I really don’t like her.

Answer #63

ew… i dunno what kind of girls ur into.. but i wouldnt touch her everrrrrr her face is ew.. her teeth are ew… her body is alrite tho

Answer #64

That’s not true, a lot of adults listen to her music, and she can’t be hannah montanna all her life, she’s 17 for crying out loud. She totally deserves to be famous and I think she is adorable! I am sure she could talk hours about her hatred for people like you too!

Answer #65

You all are super judgemental people….not to mention I am sure she is under a lot of pressure to be sexy because of the industry. She’s 17 and is growing up, I doubt she will be the next lindsey or britney in fact she probably will be better than all of them because of her dad. She may have gotten in the business because he was there to help, but I doubt that’s the reason she is making mad money doing, tv, clothes, perfume, toys, school supplies, I mean anything you can name she is on, she is doing really well for herself and I enjoy all her songs, BTW a one-hit wonder is someone who has ONE successful song and that is it, she has had a few successful songs and music isn’t where Miley Cyrus stops, so she has already surpassed any one-hit wonder!

Answer #66


Answer #67

Miley Cyrus is not ugly at all..I mean everyone has an opinion, but that’s like calling Brad Pitt ugly and every person girl and guy in the world knows he is a good looking actor!

Answer #68

i agree sophie, but you can’t do much about the jealous, narrow-minded, and ignorant people in this world!

Answer #69

How is she a poser? For changing her image? She is no longer 12 yrs old, she is almost 18..I guarantee you aren’t anything like you were when you were 12…Everyone changes when they grow up! I guarantee it wasn’t Miley’s idea, I am sure the people she works for have pushed her to do most of this, that’s how the music industry works! I also think she wants to be viewed as a grown up, not as a teeny-bopper!

Answer #70

Miley Cyrus is the opposite of ugly. She’s gorgeous, gorgeous face, gorgeous eyes. I really wonder what people are looking at when they call a really good looking person ugly

Answer #71

noooooooo she isnt she is average looking at the most just on the street today, i seen at least 10 girls that are a lot more pretty than her… and dont have professional help to do makeup and hair and stuff

Answer #72

Yeah I’ve seen prettier girls too but that doesn’t mean Miley’s average in my opinion

Answer #73

dirty birdie… lol… x)

Answer #74


Answer #75

I dont really like her as a person that much, but i like that song and the climb

Answer #76

imagine a 7 year old singing” i go through guys like money flying out ma hand” or i think thats how it goes……….LOL

Answer #77

i still hate her alot. her songs are so childish. i mean she can be sexy without performing at a kids concert with half her butt and breast sticking out. and she’s not very humble at all. i’m not saying that she’s not a teenager whose tying to explore but she should remember that 90% of her fan r between the ages of 6-15

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