Guys hot spots

Alright..I’m a girl..and I have a boyfriend..Wooohoo huh? Well we have been kind of messing around lately..and he’s found all of my hotspots. –you know whatever turns you on right? Like my neck..hips…yadda yadda yadda Well I haven’t been able to find any of his…so I was wondering if you guys had any tips or anything? Thanks bunches!

Answer #1

I can answer for my fiancee- he loves it when I kiss against the inner crook of his neck, all the way up to where the corner of his jaw is. Some of my guy friends say behind their ear, too. Also, the “V” where their hips and abs make that cut along each side, that’s verrrry sensitive for most guys. I’ve also found that at the lowermost part of their back, sometimes rubbing or pressing on that works pretty well too. And of course on the inside of their thighs, guys like it (if you’ve got the nails for it) to gently scratch or kinda feel along this area, but don’t do it and then not follow up with giving them more than that, it’s a total tease move. My boyfriend also likes it if I, when we’re just holding hands, run my nails along the inside of his palm, or at the back of his neck or on his knee. Hope this helps! Best thing would be to just ask your boyfriend…practice a lot and you’ll have him figured out :)

Answer #2

my boyfriend went mental when I started nibbling on his earlobes. he absolutly loves it!

Answer #3

My boyfriend loves when I kiss him from his neck down to the V on his lower stomach slowly. It makes him go insane. and kiss him on the back of his neck and nibble on his ears. and im not sure about all guys but my boyfriends biggest spot is behind his ear.

Answer #4

if all else fails……..Blow Him!!!!!!

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