Guys do lisps put you off??

I’m just wondering because im pretty, size 8 16 but I’ve got a lisp so im afraid to talk to guys, even if there looking at me like there realy into me, do guys get put off by lisps? and would you not go out with a girl if she had a lisp but everything else was good?? xx

Answer #1

I have a bit of a lisp..I don’t think guys relly mind it, some people find it cute I find it irritating but whatever haha :] don’t be shy to tlk to guys just because of a little minor thing like that, they prbly won’t even notice and if they don’t like it then they can screw ! :] lOl

Answer #2

Don’t be afraid of who you are!! If guys don’t like it, it’s their problem - not yours!!! Guys should like you for who you are - personality, looks, lisp too!!

Hope I’ve helped xx

Answer #3

Actually I love lisps. They’re so cute and I think it just adds to the extreme cuteness of my girlfriend x] If a guy doesn’t like it then they don’t want you for you. Find someone who doesn’t mainly care about anything physical. Find someone that wants you for you.

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