Guys bein friends

Okay well I have this really good guy friend and lets name him chris and his best friend lets name him devin are really good friends!

Well I’ve know chris since oct,15,07 and we are really good friends I went out wit him for a day at the end of the school year laast year and this year he introduced me to devin and devin is perverted in agood way but he asks me ouot every day sencie jan 1 and today chris asked me out

O geuss my qustion is who d oi pick chirs or devin really chris is really sweet and nice but devins on my level of freaky

Chris or devin?!?!?!?

Answer #1

I’ll have to go with junior13 on that one devin probably only wants you for one thing. but if chris hasn’t asked you out until now I’d say go with chris becaseu he probably cares for you as a person not just some girl to fool around with. and I’m sure chris has that freaky side you’re lookngi for you just gatta help him get started

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