Guys answer this, what you do in these situations?

  1. Would you simply stare at a girl for as long as 7 to 8 months if you aren’t interested in her? When you stare at a girl for that long time, can it just be for fun or you do it coz you really feel something for her?

  2. When you really like a girl, would you tell your friends about it so that they can help you get her?

  3. Do you love to make eye contacts ‘’VERY OFTEN’’ with a girl you are really interested in? Can you do it for other girls too?

Thanks! :)

Answer #1
  1. I wouldn’t stare for that long and not do anything or say anything so I’d think he’s shy or something to scared to make the first move of saying something

  2. In my opinion I would tell my friends and try and get help but it’s different with some lads who’d likely keep it to themselves

  3. If a guys giving eye contact to alot of girls he might just be seeing the different reactions .

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