Guys and their hormones..

Do guys really just want a girl for sex or is it just it seems that way because they are naturally horny and really do care about the girl?

Answer #1

yeah, sorry I didnt mean to generalize guys but I mean when it comes to this issue

Answer #2

well im not horny all the time! and I do care bout the girl

Answer #3

I kinda feel sorry for the guys who aren’t horny all the time because all girls just assume they are all like that but umm some guys actually care which is nice :]

Answer #4

Speaking as a guy … all guys are interested in sex. They have no choice. The testosterone drives them. (As a side note, WOMEN that begin to get testosterone hormone treatments become horny and aggressive, just like teen boys.) The nice guys are interested in relationships as well as sex. The bad boys are interested only in the sex part, or at least the MINIMAL amount of effort to get to that part.

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