Guys and girls oh and sex and realtionships

Girls how long would/ did you wait to have sex ? what did/ does it mean to you ?

Guys how long did you / would you wait to have sex ? What did / does it mean to you

I’ve always herd its more sentimental and means more to a girl than I guy I just want your opions

Answer #1

my first time was with my current boyfriend of 2 1/2 years. we didn’t do it till a bit after a year of dating.

we waited to make sure we were fully ready, and yeaah.

Answer #2

I losted mine to an older guy when I had only been a few months of being 15 we’d been together 4months !! lol!! Butt, soon as it got to 6months we broke up for reason’s LOL!!. Soo. to mee now I just htink that, I didnt really love him at all. but I dont regret loosing my virginty to him, because its made me more confident and a little more expericnace so now I am much more confident with it all. Now im currenlty in some Sexual Releationship with some guy I’ve liked years so its all good :P

Answer #3

Sex is a big deal. With all the STDs these days you really want to be carefull. My boyfriend and I waited three months… I was 16 now I’m 17 We’ve been together nine months, but after the first time we waited another 3 months. before we did it again. Just be careful and make sure it’s really love.

Answer #4

I lost it when I was almost 15. sex is really important to. I believe you need to trust someone to have sex with them. I dont understand how girls can just go do tons of dudes at a party. its so gross.

I wish I wouldnt have lost it so young. im seventeen now and I really do believe that I am mature enough to have sex. it was my idea for birth control and I never have sex without a condom if I missed the pill or before the pill.

are you just trying to figure out if you want to or not?

Answer #5

well when I lost my virginity I waited from 16-17.. 17 lost it.. Now im 18 and still with the same guy so0o yea I don’t think id jump into it straight away..

I think if I break up with him I would not do it until I get married.. koz if I keep on doing it in a relationship and they’re short relationships, by the time I get married I wouldve done it to like 10 Guys min and I dont want that..

so to me its a big deal..

Answer #6

umm im 16 and still a virgin 0.o but its not because I didnt have opurtunities I just neva took advantage of em I don’t know why guess just hasnt ben the rite time nor the rite girl

but like my last couple a gfs havent been wtf is up wit that?

Answer #7

Me and my girlfriend waited 6 months to make it to the 2nd lvl, we had sex at 8 months. so

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