
Ok, so my boyfriend that I went out with for a year and a half just recently dumped me. I really love him, and I don’t know why he broke up with me. He’s the only guy I’ve ever loved, and he means a lot to me. I tried texting him and asking him, and all he said was I need time. I asked him time for what, and he said I don’t know. So I’m not sure if he’s just making up things or what. Anyway, he says we’re friends. But he never talks to me. He doesn’t know how much I still love him, and it’s stupid that since we loved eachother why he broke up with me. Anybody have any ideas why he might’ve broke up with me? Anybody have any ideas to tell him I still love him? Please help!

Answer #1

what I would do is not worry about I mean for all you no maybe he just wanted to take a break because a year and a half is a long time to love just one person… and who knows maybe he’ll feel miserable without you and want you back!!

Answer #2

None of us can tell you why he broke up with you…only he can. I don’t think you should continue to tell him you love him…I think you will just embarrass yourself. I think its quite clear that this boy doesn’t love you like he used to. Thats why he can’t tell you a real reason. I think, this may sound a bit harsh, but I think he has gotten bored of you. Im not sure how old you are, but this can happen a lot in young relationships. Thats why you tend to have a few relationships before you find that one person who you want to spend the rest of your life with. I would forget about this boy, before you get really hurt. If you ever speak to him, only do it in a casual friendly way… Im sorry that he broke up with you, but get over him before you see him with another girl. Again, I apologise. x

Answer #3

2 mos ago you posted this>>Me and my boyfriend have been going out for 1 yr. 1m. and 6 days. I really like him, but I don’t really know if he likes me that well. It’s sort of like he wants to be my boyfriend, but not really be there for me. Don’t just tell me to dump him tho, ok? We just act like friends with benefits. I mean because we hold hands and kiss when we get a chance, but it doesn’t give me the feeling of love anymore. How can I ask my boyfriend why or how much he loves me? >>He was already showing you how he felt, but you chose to ignore the signs. When things start changing in a relationship, it usally means something.

When someone breaks up, it means they no longer want to be with that person anymore. Its been coming for awhile now, and theres nothing you can do to control what he does. I’m sure he knows how you feel (after all HES the one who ended the relationship, not you) so theres really no point in telling him, because honestly…it wont change a thing! Accept you cannot force love from another person, and once you have acknowledged that this relationship is over. You will be able to move on. The longer you deny its over, the longer you will be in pain.

Answer #4

this exact thing happened to me :| I have no advice, but maaan I know how bad it sucks :( but yeah get over him before you see him with another girl or find out he’s going out with someone else.. it hurts real bad- trust me.

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