
A lot of my friends tell me im pretty.. But the boys dont seem to like me ( at my school) like they just act like im an average girl and I mean thats what I want.. But why dont none of the boys “”like”” me like that

Answer #1

I know your exact feeling. I feel like that sometimes. a lot of guys do tell me im pretty and I’ve had boyfriends. but I’ve come to realize guys at my school are way to timid and immature. most of them probablly do think you are pretty, just dont know how to say so. and who cares if they dont say so, you dont need their approval anyway.

Answer #2

maybe the guys you want to notice you dont but there are probably guys who do notice you and you just aren’t noticing it.

Answer #3

Could be a problem with your personality.

People sometimes need others to point out personality flaws or issues because they don’t see them themselves.

Answer #4

I know you probably hear this, but you have to be patient just because some guys arent looking at you doesnt mean that you are any thing less than beautiful. Maybe they are just in for a certain type of girl as in loose or whatever and you are above that. Just see it as not your time the right one will pop up when you least expect it. Just keep your head up.

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