Why can't I find love?

I cant find love!!! Whats the best way to meet guys? What if im not pretty enough for any guy???

Answer #1

number one, you are pretty. have some self confidence. guy’s will deff notice that.

– you can meet guys anywhere, school, mall, anywhere.

– stop trying to find someone. keep your options open.. and wait for the right person to come; they will.

– just be fun and try to talk to guys. be there friend.

– good luck

Answer #2

number one, you are pretty. have some self confidence. guy’s will deff notice that.

– you can meet guys anywhere, school, mall, anywhere.

– stop trying to find someone. keep your options open.. and wait for the right person to come; they will.

– just be fun and try to talk to guys. be there friend.

– good luck

Answer #3

first of all ure pretty so stp thinking that!!! and as for love its been my experience that the more you search for it the harder it becomes to find…so stop trying to fall in love keep occupied on something else…and itll come to you:) as for places to meet guys…anywhere…theyre half our population you know…anytime you see a cute guy or even not a cute guy say hi…thats the best way…go to the park or the movies,the mall,fast food places,arcade…anywhere good luck hun. -v-

Answer #4

well I know how you feel I never had a boyfriend till this one now when we were together everyone wanted me is it that they want what they cant have remember that?

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