Guy friend wanting to be more

Theres this guy I have known my whole life and his like a brother to me yet when I went to catch up with him today he keeps trying to make a move on me and I dont know what to say because’ I dont want to hurt his feelings. Anyone with expierience of this can you tell me what yous did and if it worked. Thankyou all


Answer #1

As I have had to do, just be open & honest about your feelings. Guys tend to get hurt with rejection, but if hes a true friend, he’ll be mature about it, and accept it.

Answer #2

Well, there’s a guy in my class who always want to come near me. He’ll sit right beside to me and lead against me. Then I was like “ oh my god. what you want? just go away.’. But like you, I dont want to hurt his feelingd. That’s why I continue to keep quiet.

As time goes by, he keep wanting more. And I cant take it anymore as I have someone in mind already. And I just treat him like my classmates. Just trying to be nice to everyone. And I think he got the wrong idea.

So I tried to avoid him. And yeah. It works. =)

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