What are some good Tycoon games?

Answer #1

Zoo tycoo is probably the best tycoon game out there, in my opinion. its super fun, you get this plot of land and turn it into a zoo but unlike all the online or facebook games you get to really have fun with the animals(or like me and my friends do, open the lion cages and watch them chase all the people or put a penguin in with a killer whale. I KNOW!!! we’re evil!!) anyways, you MUST get it. its totally addictive!

Answer #2

im olready done wid it,…

Answer #3

I spend days playing Rollercoaster Tycoon some years ago.

I also spend days playing “Pharaoh” by Sierra. But that was even longer ago. I remember I had it installed on a Windows89 machine. So it must be a previous-century game. :-)

Answer #4

I just got Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 again after not playing for five years - nothing like drowning a few people to make your day =’]

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