Grudge against my sister

When I was10 till now (15) My sister has always been abusive towards me. she used to hit me, throw me across the room, even with my parents home. She even threatened to take an over-dose infront of me. she has left marks on my body and I have always been scared of her. She has moved out now and I couldnt be more happy, but there are times when she come home. But the strange thing is, I get all pissed off and angry when she decides to vistit.. is that normal?? please help me to get over it x

Answer #1

I used to have the same problem with my twin just keep in mind that you are strong and tell someone about your problem and see if you can overcome this problem

Answer #2

Just keep in mind, conflict between sisters growing up is normal / common - now that you’re getting older, realize that was in the past, you’re becoming an adult and you really do love her and inside desire to be close - she’s the only sister you may ever have, forgive - none of us are guaranteed tomorrow…I wish you the best !!

Answer #3

It doesn’t really sound too much like normal sisterly conflict though. Did she find you a nuisance? Can you think of any reasons why she might be jealous of you? She was probably growing up and found you to just be her irritable younger sister, who she got away with taking her anger out on. However what she did to you sounds really extreme. Maybe she was having troubles of her own you don’t know about- you said she threatend to take an overdose infront of you. It coud have been a hard time for her and you were just the punchbag that she found she could use. Of course it’s normal for you to feel angry about her visiting- now that you’re happy you’re probably worrreid that she’ll disturb the peace. I’m sure that she’ll grow out of how she is- she’ll realise that she needs a sister around- and she’ll probably be really aplogetic then and make up lots of excuses about her behaviour towards you. Do you parents realise how she has made you feel? You should confide in them and tell them how she has made you feel, but don’t let her get you down. She’s had her time of abusing and threatening you and surely she must now be old enough to relaise that it can’t go on.

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