Greet the day with a smile

Hey! It’s Sunday. I am already up to greet the day. It’s 7:45 a.m. sun is not up yet. I believe I will go to church today. I will try to be more optomistic than pesimistic as I go through this day. I have been told if you take ownership of the negative it will be yours. So I encourage every body to try and make today, a day that you will turn over a new leaf. For me, my choice will be to go to church. I wish I could bottle the feeling that I get when I am in church, that way when I get to feeling blue I could just spray that on me and go on. Every body have a great day whereever you may be in this world.

Answer #1

I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN! I’m getting ready for church too. I love that feeling that you get at church, when you can look around and know you’re in good company and everything feels good. Have you ever heard the song That’s What I Love about Sunday by Craig Morgan? It’s a great song. Anyways. Have a good day!

Answer #2

Everyone have a Great Day themselves! and begin it by praying to God.

Answer #3

You have a great day yourself - church always recharges my batteries and draws me closer to God !…Take care !!

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