Greesy Hair Problem

My hair goes greesy in like 2 days and I would like t know is there a way I could make it nt go so greesy that quick ?

Answer #1

My hair gets oily 2 days after washing aswell. So annoying. But an alternative is to buy a spray leave in shampoo. It cleans your hair and you can spray it in if your late for work or whatever and it looks like you’ve just washed it.

Answer #2

I have oily hair. Here’s some tips

Don’t wash your hair everyday, every second day is a lot better. Use lemon juice on your hair, it will dry it out a bit more Make sure you actually wash your hair brushes regularly (as in weekly) Don’t use condition on your head, only on your roots.

Answer #3

Try to find a shampoo that’s 2 and 1. That helps my hair since I used to have greasy hair myself. Don’t use conditioner separate since that seems to cause the hair to be more greasier. Use the shampoo that already has conditioner in it. You can either wash your hair everyday, or every other day. And, make sure to shower everyday or every other day. Good luck with that. I know having greasy hair isn’t any fun!

Answer #4

take showers. everyday or every other day.

Answer #5

take a shower every night


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