Good Tragic or romance book

Not Twilight or the notebook. Like a classic maybe. If you know what its about could you give me a summary too??

Answer #1

the host its written by stephanie meyer but its not like twilight. When I got to the end of it I was sitting on the couch balling my eyes out crying just as the girl who I was at the time interested in arrived at my front door for to go out for a dateā€¦ haha a little embarrassing. but seriously ignore the genre (sci fi) and everything else you read about it. in truth it is a marvelous love story expressing all the 5 kinds of love.

Answer #2

have you heard of A child called it? its one of the best books ever about a kid gettting abused by his mother sence he was lil theres three books to it read it, you wont be disappointed.

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