What's a good spyware detection guide?

Spyware detection help and guide please. It is now very very pathetic conditon to use intenet safe. There are number of thousands of viruses, spyware, horses , trojons are now spreaded all over the internet. Use internet safe is now a day dream. So it is very essential to use a good, dignified spyware detection and prevention system in our computers if we use in on net. And the first thing is first. I do not prefer to spend some money on it. Here the problem is this, it is very hard now to select out of a lot of available free to use spyware detection softwares. Because waht I fear is that spyware detection software itself may bring some virus or spyware in my pc. So here adviced are welcome from those who already using some good quality spyware detection software.

Answer #1


The use filletofspam gave some great advice and suggested programs for spyware removal here: http://www.funadvice.com/q/computer_problem_2299

Good luck!

Answer #2

iobit has a pretty good program and lavasoft puts out ad-aware 2007 which is pretty good also removeit pro is good for finding and deleting trojans. All freeware.

Answer #3

I use Firefox and set it up to block cookies from many sites that give you tracking cookies. I run Ad-aware and Spybot Search and Destory (S&D) about once a week, but not at the same time. With this setup, along with the Proxomitron and the basic free Zone Labs firewall, I have not seen any spyware in months! Plus I can surf the Internet without seeing may ads! It’s really cool. Hope this helps.

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