Good prank calls

I have some money on my phone but it expires on the 21 of aug. And I don’t want to let it waste so im gonna use it on prank calls. So if you have any good ones can you tell me them please

Answer #1

first of all, to the girl above me, no freaking way :D :D!!! second of all… sorry I got no answer I just had to say “no freaking way” :D!

Answer #2

haha…call somoene and say you are from planned parenthood, and they need to come in to discuss their test results, or their treatment options…but you have to be able to stay serious while you are saying it.

Answer #3

I’m so ashamed of this but whatever… My mom had me prank call her boyfriend’s dad and tell him ‘Hi, I live next door to you, and I’m home alone…I’m on the toilet and I just realized I have no toilet paper…this is embarrassing but I was wondering if I can borrow a roll?’ and he said ‘Ummm…well okay’ and I told him to just leave it by the front door and he did!!!

Later the neighbors came by and asked us if that toilet paper was ours.

Answer #4

Call the National Gambling Helpline and say something like, “ I bet you fifty bucks I can end my gambling problem by the start of next week.”

Another simple prank that can produce hilarious results. Call somebody and ask them how babies are made. I know how simple it is, but I’ve gotten some hilarious reactions out of people with these.

call a computer store and say the following:

“Hello, I got a problem with my computer. You seem when I press a button on the case, a cup holder comes out, so I placed my coffee cup on it and it broke. I need some advice and could I get a new cup holder from your store?”

Answer #5

Thanx for the advice but I wanted something a little more exciting

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