Where can i get some good hair extenions?

im trying to find some dark brown hair extensions to make my hair look longer like the ones you clip into the back and they look like your real hair? i need to be able to find them for the best price i can and be able to curl and straighen them thanks

Answer #1

umm idk, depending where u live. i get mine from the baeuty supply, and theyvrun pretty good prices for long extentions, the only thing is im not sure if they hve thebones u clip in. try there though, they have real hair sobu can strighten and curl them though. good luck =)

Answer #2

thanks i dont think we have a store like that around here though do u know if they have a website?

Answer #3

Sallys. They have an online website. You can order themm.

Answer #4


Answer #5

No problem.

Answer #6

hmmm im not positive, if they do its probaly just bueaty supply.com im guessing. Sally’s works to, but prob more expensive..

Answer #7

Sally’s Beauty store is good (:

Answer #8

Hot topic has really cute hair extensions that I’ve seen.

Answer #9

can they be curled and straighned though

Answer #10

I’m sure they could :) when i read them i didn’t see anywhere saying you couldn’t.

Answer #11

Online or at Sallys.

Answer #12

also sallybeatuy.com

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