how old do you think you have to be to be in love??

Im 13 and I think Im In love. am I really??

Answer #1

Yer 13 year olds seem to go out with people for the sake of having a boyfriend/girlfriend. I don’t think anyone can truelly be ‘in love’ until they are at least 16 but thats just me

Answer #2

Well that is actually something that we all can’t answer because it actually could be true and we don’t know cause were not you but don’t go crazy and say that you do love him or her if you really think there might be someone else out there. HOPE I HELPED!!! -Keepthesunshining

Answer #3

You asked. Did you expect anything different? If you have to ask then you’re already doubting it and love isn’t something you can doubt.

Answer #4

There isn’t a real age to finding real love but most of the time its pointless to be dating at the age of 13 because mostlikely your only feelings lust =…

Answer #5

Everyone thinks that they’re in love when they are thirteen, and maybe you are but you change so fast and learn so much that it dissipates very quickly and then the next time around you realize that the amazing feelings you had before aren’t nearly as amazing as the ones you have now. So just wait before you do anything, if you feel like you should move to the next level then it may only be lust which there is plenty of at that age. So just wait and if you feel allright with just waiting and being with the person then eventually things will fall into place and you’ll be old enough to mess around at all that business. Just be patient.

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