Going punk

I really love the punk style and I want to start dressing like a punk (except without the mohawk!), but my dad thinks that I should be a normal 13 year old. Any advice on how to get my dad to like the way I want to dress??

Answer #1

a couple of you are saying that you dress punk. how do you dress punk??

Answer #2

well you are you and you need to talk to your dad camly and expain to him that you are you and being a normal 13 year old you need to be you not what he thinks you should be..just start things off slow…were little things that are punk and move up slowly

Answer #3

hi =D

start by buying some small pieces and wearing them toned down slitly then get more exstravigant and if ya want to be punk you need the atitued dont totaly ignore ya dad because thats just rude but push the boundrys just slitly with what you wear and he might just come round if not then wear it enyway!

hope I helped!

Answer #4

punk is a rebellion. when youre a true punk rocker, you dont listen to your parents you do it your way always.

Answer #5

if youre 13, I have reason to believe you know nothing of punk rock

Answer #6

listening to what your parents say IS NOT PUNK

Answer #7

Pshhh I wasn’t a normal 13 year old so don’t worry bout it! I had purple hair and wore neon colours XD Be yourself! That’s one of the points of being punk. Just do your own thing and don’t give a fuck about what other people think! You’ll have more fun that way anyway

Answer #8

I’m afraid you can’t do anything to change your parents decisions. You’re just going to have to wait until they think you’re old enough to make your own choices.

If it helps any, I dressed punk for some years (with mohawk), but I didn’t get to do that until I had moved out on my own.

Answer #9

just start small. maybe wear a spiked wrist band one day…then the next week wear somthing a little more extreme and jsut kind of fade into the look you know? you can’t just wake up one day and start dresing crazy. lol. I’ve been dressing “Punk” for about 6 years now…and It’s great. just don’t feel bad when people stare at you. you got to be able to handle strange looks from other people…lol

good luck

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