Glandular Fever

I was in hospital last November/December with Glandular fever, but I always still get really really tired. Is that suppsed to happen? And is there anyway in which I can not be so tired, im finding it hard to concentrate at school and in dance classes. I’ve had to give up dancing because of this

Answer #1

Have you seen a doctor about this? I know chronic fatigue can be caused by many different things. You should probably get your blood checked for deficiencies, check glands for that matter, and whatever else they do.

I just looked up wikipedia. I see the entry for “Mono” is brief. It mentions something that may pertain to you:

“Mononucleosis is sometimes accompanied by secondary cold agglutinin disease—an autoimmune disease in which abnormal circulating antibodies directed against red blood cells can lead to a form of autoimmune hemolytic anemia.”

Fatigue is a major symptom of anemia, which can have several causes.

If you don’t want to or can’t see a doctor a.s.a.p., then maybe there’s a better website to consult.

Eat well. Eat good, simple foods. Don’t eat and drink crap and chemicals. That always helps. And don’t give in to the fatigue. Exercise gives you energy. Other things give you energy too. Find &/or do those things.

Good luck.

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