Do you have pointers on how I can talk to her?

There is this girl at school that I like. I think she likes me too. The problem is that whenever I’m around her I have a lost of words. Usually I’m not shy around anyone, but around her I can’t think of anything to say. I try to have a conversation with her, but she is so beautiful that the conversation is cut short because I spend most of the time trying not to something stupid. Please give me some advice or pointers on how to communicate with this girl. (I’m willing to take answers from both males and females)

Answer #1

Hi there,

If the two of you have something in common, use that as a conversation starter. For example, if you both play basketball, ask her how her game is going. If you’re in math class together, ask her how she thinks she did on the test. The trick isn’t to open your mouth and spew your feelings…it’s to get comfortable enough talking about every day things, so that eventually you will feel much more at ease to talk more about your feelings. It sounds like she’s a very pretty girl - but remember, inside we’re all the same and chances are she’s just as nervous as you. A girl loves it when a guy takes the first step - it shows courage and self-confidence. But don’t be arrogant - no one likes that.


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