What to say to a girl so she wants me?

hey I was wondering things that I should say to girls that will make them want me or sumwhat like that if you know what I mean

Answer #1

Well you could maybe make them want you by treating them like a human being. Actually getting to know the girl. Not just wanting her for whats in her shirt or plants. And technically you can’t ‘’make’’ ANYONE ‘’want’’ you. Either they want you or they don’t. That’s the way it is.

Answer #2

I dont mean like that I mean I want to see if she likes me or not because the girls will most likely not say at my school sumtimes yes but mostly no and I want to make her more attracted like should I look at her interest and show interest in that stuff myself or what and you cant say just be your self cause thats what im doing I just want to show the pros or show her I care without overdoing it any tips one more thing what do girls like for cologne these days

Answer #3

you shouldnt have to do that, just be urself, and the ones that are chill, and cool will like you JUST the way you are :]

Answer #4

girls like guys to make them feel good about themselves. so do that and you’ll win some girls over. =]

Answer #5

number one rule!

dont comment her a^^ or t^ts

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