Why is my girlfriends period not came yet?

We first had sex about a month ago and she was due on her period about a week after we had sex, i checked the condom and it was in perfect condition after i took it off, no holes or anything and she did not make me come or anything before sex so there was no way sperm could have got in vagina to impregnate her, im unsure whether she is pregnant i dont have a clue, its been 3 weeks now since she was supposed to have her period and im worried, is this any particular reason this could be ? her period has never been late before, thanks

Answer #1

She should take a pregnancy test just to be sure, you may not have noticed a hole but it only takes a very tiny one to cause a pregnancy.

Answer #2

hmm ill get her to take one in a week if she doesnt come on :(

Answer #3

could it be anything else ? im scared

Answer #4

You should get a test for her, it will ease both your minds, or at least give you the time t find out what to do, plus thats the only way you can know for sure.

Answer #5

i was in a similar situation once and dont stress like crazy cause i donno how true it is but stress and make a girls period go out of wack so can getting sick too but a test is the best bet

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