Girlfriend: Yay Or Nay?

I’ve been going out with my girlfriend for about a year and a half now. The thing is, we both live in different states. I see almost every other two months. Lately, I’ve been feeling really doubtful of her. Like I dont want to be with her, but she love me and I love her back. I don’t know what to do. Also, I like this other girl in my school I’m attending, she can be a flirt, but her signs are hard to read. I just don’t know what to do. Anyone who cares, please help out?

Answer #1

im going to have that problem with my gf, she is moving to another state.

Answer #2

well tell your gf you guys need to be friends and that the long distance thing is hard on you,just be honest,and tell her you will still be a good friend to wishes

Answer #3

yes i agree with them long distance relations is to much you should be friends wit her but dont break her heart in the process.

Answer #4

Short answer. Long distance relationships are hard. Get on with life. Accept your feelings. But tell her, maybe she feels the same way!

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