girlfriend collector

which girl should I pick, one that I already know for a long tym, or one that is my type?? plzz I really nid some help and advice T-T

Answer #1

I dont get what your asking…ohhh haha nvm sorry ignore my stupidity haha but I think you should go for the one thats your typ :D that always comes in handy haha

Answer #2

The one that you have the most chemistry wit… cause at least you wil feel connected. No communication is how a lot of relationships fall apart so if you got that understanding you wil feel a lot more happier knowing what she wants, likes etc. and the one that makes you smile!! you can know someone for a while but that doesn’t mean that they make you happy.. relationship wise

Answer #3

well id rather be with a chick I have know a long time. so you know what to expect. but I guess I am with a chick that I met on myspace and have been with her 2 months and what not else lol never imagined it would happen I didnt even know her.

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