When is it appropriate to say "I love you" to my girl?

( been together 4 months)

Answer #1

When u feel it in ur heart. Not just lust though. Id say after six months. But haha what can i say my fiance said he loved me after 2 months ;) and we r just fine

Answer #2

Well, don’t ever say it unless you really mean it. It’s a very powerful word. If you want to share your feelings about her, there are lots of honest ways to do it. Tell her what you like about her, compliment her and then just feel this thing out and see how she reacts. You have to let a relationship grow and not rush it. (4 months isn’t very long really). Don’t take a chance on scaring her right now, just be patient and let it grow.

Answer #3

It’s a shame that so much significance is placed on those three little words. Remember, once you’ve said it, it’s really not possible to retract. If you say it and she doesn’t feel the same, it will be incredibly uncomfortable. Onemandog is right, there are many different ways of showing it, before you say it.

Answer #4

Tell her you love her, when you feel in ur heart you really do♥

Answer #5

when you win a raffle

Answer #6

yes, you might not say it enuph and the words can say a lot :)

Answer #7

definitely when you are alone. i advise NOT over text, that never works. make sure to make direct eye contact with her (when you don’t, she’ll think you don’t really mean it or you’re not being serious). be straight forward, and say, “_, I’m in love with you.”, then list 3 reasons why. Girls love compliments and will eat. them. up. don’t go overboard though, more then 5 will make you sound creepy. TRUST ME, i am a girl, and i know this from past experiences.

Answer #8

whenever you want, as long as you mean it

Answer #9

There is no given time for that my dear! It all depends on how you feel about the person. Take your time and thing about it before saying it. I came across an article that highlights your problem. I hope this will help you out. http://funadvice.com/r/15oreifi668

Answer #10

When you both feel like its time people say 4-6 months but me and my girl friend has been together for little over 2 months but we have liked eachother for about 3 or 4 months but we tell eachother we love on another every day just be sure you both feel the same way Or you may creep her out but when I told my gf I loved her for the first time I took her out to eat had a quite night and at the end of our date when I was getting ready to leave I told her “I don’t know if you feel the same way and I don’t want to creep you out but I love you” And have her a kiss and she told me she loved me do worked for me

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