Why are gingers considered so ugly and why are they always picked on?

Answer #1

i LOVE gingers. i dont think theyre ugly just some obviously. gingers are cute and everyone just picks on them because it isnt that common of a hair color.

Answer #2

because their different.

Answer #3

I see it the opposite. I don’t see them get picket on or anathing, they are treated normally really. Maybe some people point out the fact that the hair color and the freckels aren’t so atractive, but that’s their opinion, we all have different opiniojs.about different people. I don’t see them as ugly at all, the red hair facinates me. So its from pearson to pearson, not EVERYBODY hates them and makes fun of them.

Answer #4

Wait, they are…?

Answer #5

I think red-headed girls (and boys) with freckles are just about the cutest thing ever. I don’t think they are picked on, not where I live anyhow.

Answer #6

i dont think redheads are ugly! ive dated a few

Answer #7

Thanks for all the answers, its just ive been a bit down lately cuz a lot of people have been making me feel quite ugly lately, I’ve put all of these into consideration and its made me feel a bit better :)

Answer #8

Because they are different. Also, it mainly started on South Park when they were making fun of gingers and then the whole “kick a ginger” day. I’m not really sure, I guess every generation has a scapegoat, and ours happens to be gingers.

Answer #9

South park started that whole fad. People with red hair aren’t ugly at all, I think people just find it fun making fun of them because south park started that off. They most likely dont realize people actually get hurt by whats said.

Answer #10

my mom and sister are gingers. i can tell you why because they complain all the time.

  1. their hair makes them look more pale.
  2. the freckles make for bad complexion. 3)they have eyebrows that are lighter then their actual hair making it look as if they “don’t have any.”
Answer #11

Gingers in general arent ugly, I’m ginger; I’ve dealt with bullying alot cos of it but everytime someone would say to me you’re an ugly fat ginger, I’d tell them to go f*ck themselves, this discussion of them complaining about their looks nd etc is b’cos their some ppl that can’t understand or take why their ginger, I’m not kidding pretty much everyday I’ve been told i’m pretty/beautiful nd hold myself well nd i’ve been asked out loads, not bragging btw but just so you know being ginger has nothing to do with who you are as an individual. <3

Answer #12

but i think gingers are pretty :)

Answer #13

gingers are known to be different or something? ive been brought up with parents who are racist and slate gingers. But my boyfriend is the love of my life and hes ginger and i have ginger in my family. So it just people who have nothing better to do than pick on others because there feeling low about themselves dont let them get you down!

Answer #14

No. This is older than south park. My mom told me that her cousin was picked on at school because he had red hair and freckles. And that was in the 1940ies.

Answer #15

Red hair is unusual. And that’s all. I think that being beautiful or being ugly is not due to hair color at all. There are beautiful blonds, there are ugly blonds. There are beautiful black haired people and there are ugly black haired people. And just like that, there are beautiful redheads and ugly redheads.


Answer #16

its becuase they hav alot of freckles, unusal haircoulour, and pale

Answer #17

cuz they dont have souls, duh

Answer #18

because everyone thinks that colour is wierd it like having purple eyes lol dont exist but would be wierd if u would have them x but i like gingerss x its a nice colour

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