Getting rid of blisters?

Okay so we all know that wearing uncomfortable shoes usually ends up in blisters, sometimes it’s hard to resist when the shoes are ultra cute.

Is there something that you can put on your heels/feet that will get rid of the blister quickly?

Answer #1

buy some moleskin and follow the directons.

Answer #2

firstly try to void wearing heels all the time if you do not only will they end up making your feet look horrible, but also can cause knee and other problems next, you can either let them heal on there own, or drain them by yourself if its not in the way, put a small bandage over it and let it heal by itelf if it is in the way, sterilize a small pin/safety pin over a flame, then gently push it into the padded bit, greab a tissue and gently push the liquid out also you can make your heels or uncomfortable shoes more comfortable by adding padding, or an extra foot sole in the bottom you can also get small padded bits and peices that stick to the straps and suck of your shoes and protect the back of your ankles and other places

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